Please take a few minutes to read this and ask yourself some basic questions about your lifestyle, motivation and your ability to care for one of the most incredible, intel-diligent, sentient creatures on the planet.

How much time do you have every day to spend with a parrot?
One of the classic questions that we have heard in the shop is: “Do you have a low-maintenance parrot?” or.. “Do you have birds that don’t require a lot of attention?” We would like to tell these people that they don’t deserve a potted plant, but we usually tell them politely, that a parrot is not for them. All of our birds need quality time every day with every member of the household. This is the commitment that you must be prepared to make.
Have you considered the cost of a cage and accessories required for a parrot?
Do you realize that all parrots are messy?
Are you looking for a bird as a GIFT for someone else?
Are you looking for a pet for your child?
Do you think that your parrot needs a companion?
Are you ready to prepare Sprouts and Chop Vegetables and Fruits for a Parrot?
Do you know how long a parrot may live?
When you bring a parrot into your life, you are taking on a responsibility that may outlive you. Many families with parrots have set up endowments for their birds, made provisions in their wills or funded sanctuaries. You must at least make sure that you can make provisions for the future care of a parrot
Do you know how many parrots are abandoned every year?
Search your soul….Talk to our parrot experts at the shop and if you feel that you are ready to make a commitment, we are more than happy to help you find the “JOY OF PARROTHOOD” with one of our wonderful birds needing a second home or a special well-socialized baby.